Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Audrey and My Homemade Purses

Audrey always looks so cute when she gets up in the morning. She comes out of her room everyday with blue blankie wrapped around her, holding teddybear...

here are the purses I finally finished. I plan to wrap them up and give to the girls for Christmas...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sunday and Monday

on Sunday Luis and Maya went out for a bit in the frigid weather. Luis cleared the driveway and Maya made a snowman. We call it a snow-mound with a face. --isn't he cute?

and tonight I had my camera in my pocket when I picked Maya up from RE so I took a picture of her class and their teacher, Mrs. Hoffman.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

white chocoloate pretzels

it is COLD here today. like 10 degrees.

we made white chocolate sprinkle-covered pretzels for Maya to bring to RE class tomorrow to share, and to give away to other friends.

here's a shot of some of the goodies:

Maya thought Audrey was getting a little carried away with the sprinkles. I don't know, what do you think???